Existing Channel Activation and Strengthening

Our Channel Sales Development Expertise Enables You To Optimize Channel Sales.

Current Channel Building and Strengthening 2018-07-18T17:31:51+00:00

Current Channel Activation and Account Syncing

At KY2SC, we believe the fundamental building block of any and every channel is getting a thorough understanding of channel partners. When we sign up with you, we will first focus our attention on your existing channel and channel sales, and conduct a SWOT analysis to get a clear idea of its strengths and weaknesses. This is done comprehensively after long discussions with vendor/distributor and also with the channels sales teams. We get a clear idea of your active channels, non-active channels and all your channel driven activities.

By the end of this process, we know why your channel is not doing well and how your channel sales can be improved.

We try to answer the following questions: What are the strengths of your channel? What are the lacunae in your channel sales? What is the reputation of your existing channel partners, their brand awareness and reach? What channel actions of your competitors are impacting your revenue growth? The answers to these questions will enable us to create a sustainable and effective channel sales strategy that seamlessly aligns with your existing business strategy.
Our Channel Sales Development Expertise Enables You To Make Accurate Channel Sizing. It is imperative that the size of your channel, that is number of partners you are working with, is in line with your sales objectives. It should neither be too small or too big. It should be just right. We therefore find out the number of potential customers you can reach out to, the size of these customers and the revenue potential of each of them. This research enables us to decide whether you need to work with more channel partners, revisit tie-ups with existing partners and which other regions should you explore.
We do not cause any disruption to your existing channel sales processes; in fact our core objective is to integrate our channel sales expertise with that of your existing account managers so that we enhance their output. We are sales enablers and do this in a way that is extremely conducive wherein your normal business activities go on as usual. Of course, the information that we have gathered about your channel structure and its efficacy means we are now ready to improve your channel sales processes.

You can Trust us With Your Channels Sales Goals!

We Will Ensure You Achieve Them

We help Vendors & Distributors
Make the Most of Their Channel Business.

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